The Darfur Consortium

An African and International
Civil Society Action for Darfur


Members' Publications


August 21

Source: Addustour (Government-friendly, Jordanian daily enjoys wide circulation)
Headline: Asmara Rebel Coalition to Unify Its Fighters in Darfur

Asmara-based umbrella group of Darfur rebel movements – the United Front for Liberation and Development – an alliance formed ahead of Arusha meeting, announced it would return to the war-torn region to unify their fighters into a single force.  Spokesperson Abdul Aziz said during a press conference in Asmara:

  • The leadership council will move to Darfur
  • It will complete the unification process by unifying the fighters under one command
  • This move represents a reversal of the state of rebel groups since Abuja peace agreement which saw the splintering of most rebel groups
  • The new unified rebel group will provide protection for civilians and create a safe haven for non-governmental organizations working in Darfur

Source: Al Khaleej (UAE daily, with over 80,000 in circulation)
Headline: 2 Killed and 9 Wounded in Attack on Police Station in Darfur

Deputy Governor of South Darfur Dr. Farah Mustapha told a press conference:

  • An armed group attacked police stations at two refugee camps, Assalam and Kalma
  • 2 policemen were killed and 9 wounded
  • The attacks wanted to sabotage the voluntary return of refugees in the state’s camps

At the same time, Al Maalia tribe leader Issa Adam Jabara refuted:

  • Allegation that Arab tribes coalition to fight Sudanese Liberation Movement – Minnawi faction
  • Allegation that the government aided his tribe, and added
  • His tribe fought with the rebel group to protect its access to water sources which belong to his tribe
  • And he called on the government and African Union to investigate the situation in the field near Adila town

Source: Al Hayat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Asian Ambassadors Say Security Situation in Darfur Improved
By: Annour Ahmed Annour

Deputy Governor of South Darfur Dr. Farah Mustapha told a press conference:

  • An armed group attacked police stations in two refugee camps, Assalam and Kalma
  • 2 policemen were killed and 9 wounded
  • The attacks wanted to sabotage the voluntary return of refugees in the state’s camps
  • Dr. Mustapha did not blame any group because he said investigations were underway

Meanwhile, Asian ambassadors sounded upbeat about the security situation after concluding a three-day-visit to the Darfur region and urged the international community and involved parties to continue working to achieve lasting peace:

  • Chinese ambassador said China will send 400 experts and engineers to participate in the hybrid force
  • Indian ambassador said we moved freely in Darfur and contrary to what we have been hearing, most people in Darfur were living in peace
  • Pakistani ambassador pledged his country’s support for Sudan’s efforts to improve the situation in Darfur and expressed his hope for a return of normalcy and peace to Sudan

Read the above in Arabic.