The Darfur Consortium

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Darfur in the News

Arabic Media

August 14, 2023

Source: Al Ahram (government-friendly, Egyptian daily with over 1 million in circulation)
Headline: AU Leader Says Hybrid Force Does not Need Non-African Troops
By: Abdul Wahid Libini

AU Leader Alfa Omar Conary met with Sudanese president and announced that:

  • There is no need to deploy non-African troops
  • African Union will not relinquish Darfur force leadership
  • Improved relations between Chad and Sudan bode well for AU mission’s success
  • The need to provide Sudan’s neighbors with political and financial support to ensure peace and stability
  • An international conference will be held in New York City to discuss Darfur next month
  • The meeting will be similar to last Addis Ababa meeting and not an extension of Paris conference

Source: Addustour (Government-friendly, Jordanian daily enjoys wide circulation)
Headline: Darfur rebels Want Western Troop Participation in Hybrid Force

Sudan Liberation Movement – Nour faction announced:

  • It will not participate in peace negotiations before hybrid force is deployed
  • It favors the force to have mainly “Western troops and NATO forces”
  • African countries do not have the experience to lead such a large force

By contrast, AU leader Conary announced after meeting with President Omar Al Bashir:

  • There is no need to deploy non-African troops
  • African Union will not relinquish Darfur force leadership

Meanwhile, Sulaiman Jamous, who is under virtual arrest at UN-run hospital, threatened to surrender to government forces if UN did not transfer him outside Sudan for treatment

Source: Al Khaleej (UAE daily, with over 80,000 in circulation)
Headline: Darfur Campaign Starts Olympic Torch Genocide Tour

  • Mia Farrow and fellow activists started an Olympic-style torch relay through countries that suffered genocide to pressure China to end Darfur abuses
  • Farrow criticized human rights violations in Darfur region
  • She said the torch represent those who were killed and those who are still suffering

Source: Okaz (Saudi-owned daily with strong circulation)
Headline: Khartoum Ready to Negotiate with Darfur Rebels
By: Abdul Jabbar Abu Ghariba

Sudanese Ambassador to Jordan, Mohamed Othman Mohamed Saeed, said:

  • His government was ready to negotiate with Darfur rebels after their agreement in Arusha
  • Government is willing to meet the rebels anytime and anywhere
  • Contrary to earlier report, the government did not object to any issues in the rebels’ platform
  • He was pleased with the rebels’ unity and platform agreement

Source: Al Hayat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Khartoum Mum about Foreigners Responsible for “weapon factory explosion” and Darfur Rebels Kidnap 12 Sudanese Troops
By: Annour Ahmed Annour

  • Arab rebel group named “Popular Democratic Front Army” announced the kidnapping of 12 government troops in Darfur
  • High-ranking officer named Ali Mohamed was among kidnapped soldiers
  • The group demanded that the government confront the Janjaweed militia
  • The group is mainly from Arab tribes

In the meantime, Sudanese authorities stayed mum over the identity of foreigners arrested in connection with “weapons factory explosion.”  Unconfirmed source indicated they were of Somali origins.

On a different note, Sudanese UN envoy Abdul Mahmoud Abdul Haleem indicated African countries pledged up to 12,000 troops but had little information about upcoming New York City conference announced by AU leader Alfa Omar Conary

And in a new development, Sulaiman Jamous, imprisoned rebel leader, threatened to surrender to government forces if UN did not transfer him outside Sudan for treatment. At the same time he promised to respect Sudanese government demand that he abstains from armed resistance indicating that he was always involved with humanitarian work only.

Read the above in Arabic.


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Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre

Egyptian Organization for Human Rights

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Institute for Security Studies

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Lawyers for Human Rights

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Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l'Homme

Makumira University College, Tumaini University

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Minority Rights Group

National Association of Seadogs

Never Again International

Open Society Justice Initiative

Pan-African Movement

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