The Darfur Consortium

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Member Publications

Arab media

February 27 , 2008

Source: Al Khaleej (UAE daily, with over 80,000 in circulation)
Headline: Cairo Calls on West to Convince Rebels to Join Peace Talks

  • Darfur crisis entered its 6th year without an end in sight.  This new year arrives with two envoys, American and Chinese, in Khartoum to meet with high-level Sudanese officials
  • Meanwhile, Sudanese army rejected a call by hybrid leader Rudolph Adada to withdraw from West Darfur
  • President Bush recently voiced disappointment at hybrid force’s slow deployment, as only 9,000 of the 26,000 troops are in place
  • Nafi Ali Nafi described UN secretary general’s accusations that Sudan was responsible for the delay, as regrettable for the delay was due to lack of funds and his country has no hand in that
  • Cairo, on the other hand, was conducting talks with Western countries to urge them to pressure Darfur rebel groups to join peace negotiations
  • An Egyptian source indicated that rebels’ refusal to participate in peace talks was a major obstacle to peace in the region
  • The source also said that Western countries that host them bear moral, legal, and political responsibility to see to it that they join the peace process
  • The source added that failure of Western powers to exercise pressure on the rebels could justify accusations these powers were conspiring with the Rebels

Source: Al Hayat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: American – Sudanese Negotiations Face Difficulties
By: Annour Ahmed Annour

  • State Department spokesperson in Washington denied existence of a timetable to normalize relations with Sudan and called on Sudan to cooperate fully with hybrid force and to take concrete measures to end Janjaweed and other groups’ violence in Darfur
  • Hours before that in Khartoum, Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Deng Alor stated that his country and US would normalize relation within maximum of six months
  • Meanwhile, negotiations between US envoy Richard Williamson and Sudanese officials faced some difficulties, as Washington demanded a major breakthrough in Darfur and implementation of Nifasha Agreement, including oil-rich Abyie region
  • Informed sources indicated that the two demands force Sudanese government to make painful concessions


African Voices
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Action Professionals Association for the People

Aegis Trust Rwanda

African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies

African Center for Development

African Center for Justice and Peace Studies

Africa Internally Displaced Persons Voice (Africa IDP Voice)

African Security Dialogue and Research (ASDR)

African Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET)

The Ahueni Foundation

Alliances for Africa

Amman Centre for Human Rights Studies

Andalus Institute for Tolerance

Anti-Slavery International

Arab Coalition for Darfur

Arab Program for Human Rights Activists

Association Africaine de Defense des Droits de l'Homme (ASADHO)

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies

Centre for Minority Rights Development (CEMIRIDE)

Centre for Research Education and Development of Freedom of Expression and Associated Rights (CREDO)

Citizens for Global Solutions

Conscience International

Conseil National Pour les Libertés en Tunisie

Darfur Alert Coalition (DAC)

Darfur Centre for Human Rights and Development

Darfur Leaders Network (DLN)

Darfur Reconciliation and Development Organization (DRDO)

Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre

East Africa Law Society

Egyptian Organization for Human Rights

Femmes Africa Solidarité

La Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH)

Forum of African Affairs (FOAA)

Human Rights First

Human Rights Institute of South Africa (HURISA)

Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa

Institute for Security Studies

Inter-African Union for Human Rights (UIDH)


International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Kenya)

International Refugee Rights Initiative

Justice Africa

Justice and Peace Commission

Lawyers for Human Rights

Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections

Legal Resources Consortium-Nigeria

Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l'Homme

Makumira University College, Tumaini University

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Minority Rights Group

National Association of Seadogs

Never Again International

Open Society Justice Initiative

Pan-African Movement

Rencontre Africaine Pour la Defense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO)

Sierra Leone STAND Chapter

Sisters' Arabic Forum for Human Rights (SAF)

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP)

Sudan Organization Against Torture (SOAT)

Syrian Organization for Human Rights

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)

Universal Human Rights Network


Women Initiative Nigeria (WIN)

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